What would you do to help a friend?
My name is Stephen and this website is dedicated to helping my friend Donny secure a living kidney donor before he needs dialysis.
Call it a genetic fluke but after years of trying to maintain his kidney function Donny needs a kidney transplant at just 47 years old. He is now faced with the imminent possibility of dialysis.
We need your help! You can help by:
- Donating a kidney. See “HELPFUL LINKS” below to understand that process.
- By copying this link (www.helpdonny.ca) and simply sharing it with everyone you know
I’m not able to donate so my help is coming in the form of this website and making noise to help my buddy. So why am I doing this? Because a guy who helps everyone needs our help.
Let me tell you about Donny.
I’ve know Donny for over 20 years and the first thing you notice about Donny is how genuine and sincere he is.
He cares deeply for his friends and family. He often calls just to say hi or check in on things going on in your life.
These conversations illicit compelling questions from Donny and a real sense of his empathy as he listens so intently. He genuinely cares about what’s going on in your life.
All of our conversations end with him uttering the phrase “take care”
Because he cares for you
Apart from being a fierce friend he’s an avid golfer, a dynamite cook, and loving husband to his equally wonderful wife Karina. They LOVE to travel!
He and Karina often show up to the house with gifts for my kids or just to share some delicious meal he’s prepared.
He’s a genuine, caring and empathetic individual who deserves our help.
If you’ve stuck with me thus far thank you! Please see below for resources and info if you are willing to donate. Again please copy this website (www.helpdonny.ca) and share it with everyone you know.
Thank you…….take care.

Roller Coaster!!

Donny and Karina traveling

Donny Ice Fishing

Helpful Links
Links to Organ donor Canada Click HERE
Link to Kidney foundation Click HERE
Link to FAQ Click HERE
Please feel free to email me at sckluser@hotmail.com